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Abraham's kitchen

Gestalten, Haliva David
Éditeur: DGV
Date de parution 11/03/2025
For centuries, the crossroads of Israel and Palestine have been a vibrant melting pot of cultures and culinary traditions. Abraham’s Kitchen takes you on a journey across this region, showcasing the rich his- tory and diverse flavors that define its cui- sine. From the fertile northern plains to the bustling kitchens of Tel Aviv, each dish tells a story of trade routes, migrations, and shared heri... Voir la description complète
Disponibilité Disponible
Délais de livraison Expédié sous 2 à 3 jours ouvrés
Nom d'attributValeur d'attribut
Date de parution11/03/2025
Poids15 g
Dimensions3,40 x 21,00 x 26,00 cm
Common books attribute
AuteurGestaltenHaliva David
Nombre de pages304
Langue du livrezx
FormatLivre broché / couverture souple
For centuries, the crossroads of Israel and Palestine have been a vibrant melting pot of cultures and culinary traditions. Abraham’s Kitchen takes you on a journey across this region, showcasing the rich his- tory and diverse flavors that define its cui- sine. From the fertile northern plains to the bustling kitchens of Tel Aviv, each dish tells a story of trade routes, migrations, and shared heritage. Explore Jerusalem’s time- honored staples and the southern deserts, where nomadic traditions inspire earthy, inventive cuisine. With recipes ranging from shakshuka to challah to baklava, this book offers a com- prehensive look at these beloved dishes’ ori- gins, providing insight and inspiration for any kitchen. Abraham’s Kitchen transcends the traditional cookbook, offering a deeply personal and culturally rich exploration of Israeli and Palestinian food.