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La Biennale di Venezia Curatorial Team of the National Pavilion of Saudi Arabia
Date de parution 15/01/2025
This catalogue invites readers to dive deeper into the captivating dialogue betweenmateriality and imagination, as envisioned by IRTH ??? at the 18th InternationalArchitecture Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia.Prepared for the Biennale Architettura 2023, for which the theme was ‘The Laboratoryof the Future’, the catalogue of IRTH ??? immerses visitors into the profound interplaybetween material ... Voir la description complète
Disponibilité Disponible
Délais de livraison Expédié sous 2 à 3 jours ouvrés
Nom d'attributValeur d'attribut
Date de parution15/01/2025
Poids2120 g
Dimensions3,10 x 25,40 x 31,10 cm
Common books attribute
AuteurLa Biennale di Venezia Curatorial Team of the National Pavilion of Saudi Arabia
Nombre de pages336
Langue du livreFrançais
FormatLivre relié / couverture rigide
This catalogue invites readers to dive deeper into the captivating dialogue betweenmateriality and imagination, as envisioned by IRTH ??? at the 18th InternationalArchitecture Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia.Prepared for the Biennale Architettura 2023, for which the theme was ‘The Laboratoryof the Future’, the catalogue of IRTH ??? immerses visitors into the profound interplaybetween material and immaterial. It chronicles the National Pavilion of Saudi Arabia’smulti-faceted contribution to the discussion, in which the essence of earth as a materialbecomes a canvas for envisioning tomorrow’s architectural legacies.In a curatorial journey told through essays from visionary architects, researchersand experimental material alchemists, the catalogue represents the multiple viewpointsand projects emerging from Saudi Arabia and its wider region. It delves into vernacularSaudi architecture, which, meticulously deconstructed and reimagined, forms the keypoint of reference for this journey.As we navigate the universal challenges of belonging and legacy, this exhibitiontranscends geographical boundaries, seeking common ground in the tapestry of diverseidentities and perspectives. Through the lens of materiality, the National Pavilion ofSaudi Arabia compels us to answer collectively the problems of tomorrow, one narrativeat a time.Notable topics: The Exploration of Immateriality in Architecture; ExaminingExperimental Materials for Future-proofed Built Environments; UnderstandingVernacular Architecture and Modernization in Saudi Arabia.