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The Turban : A History from East to West

Chris Filstrup, Jane Merrill
Date de parution 01/02/2025
A superbly illustrated history of the turban, from Arabian origins to global cultural icon. A turban is a strip of cloth folded and wrapped around the head; however, this description includes multifarious forms across space and time. This book follows the turban as it moves from the Arabian Peninsula through the Ottoman Empire to Europe and the Americas. It directs the reader's gaze from traditio... Voir la description complète
Délais de livraison Momentanément indisponible
Nom d'attributValeur d'attribut
Date de parution01/02/2025
Poids750 g
Dimensions2,30 x 16,00 x 24,10 cm
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AuteurChris FilstrupJane Merrill
Nombre de pages256
A superbly illustrated history of the turban, from Arabian origins to global cultural icon. A turban is a strip of cloth folded and wrapped around the head; however, this description includes multifarious forms across space and time. This book follows the turban as it moves from the Arabian Peninsula through the Ottoman Empire to Europe and the Americas. It directs the reader's gaze from traditional and religious uses of the turban into the realms of international trade, Renaissance art and contemporary fashions. Turbans, as this book shows, have moved in and out of Western culture, at times considered archaic and forgotten, then noticed and reinstated as major accessories. Today Sikh men are recognized by their distinctive headwraps, and the turban remains an important part of Black culture. This book explores the turban's many adaptations worldwide.©Reaktion Books